- pffftt single? for me if people like me single it not cool but it's worstt babe --'
- im also ordinary person, i need someone that i can share everything to him
- sharing is caring but i still like women that have bad luck
- im already write this before, crazy aite?
- haha am being desperate now
- am I to choosy? phewww isn't wrong for me?
- not aite? hmm i also want a guys that has a good atittude, in our life we must choose the best way for us aite?
hmm i need lover to cheer my life, i need a guys that can understand & accept me who I am :( *frustrated but i must accept the faith, it a reality of my life. i can do anything for that. im weak, haha am i bubbling? yess unfortunately am not lucky girl dude. yahh i have a lot of friends that can make me happy sometimes but not always
i hope that i can find someone special in my life, only time will tell. Iera u most trust for this, go iera u can ! huh.

their life never suck like me, i daydream that once day i can be like them. no one can play their feeling because they a doll, but we as human have heart & has to respect each other, barbie their dream always comes true, huhh hows sweet ! they have a happy life also a very beautiful. i love their life, almost fantasy and their place awesome! love pink colour also, kehkehkeh like small kiddo aite? ;) their mens also a handsome guys, auchhh am melting ^_* their married with the one that their loves. ouhhh am jealous with that :(
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